Thursday, 30 November 2017

My first day in Gloomhaven

The journey was long and after they entered the gates of Gloomhaven AMOZ ZERK a human Scoundrel and ABOZ BOORER a Inox Brute decided it was time for a drink. When they entered the Sleeping Lion the local pub they couldn't imagine in what type of adventure they stepped. This blog tells the story of two friends who accepted an offer to track down a thief and retrieve some stolen goods... This is the story of Gloomhaven. The story of a party with a not very common name... THE MOZ ARMY ! A story by a soloplayer !

Day 1 - Shopping at the local market... With their last 60 coins of gold our THE MOZ ARMY went to the local market where AMOZ bought an Iron Helmet and a Cloak of Invisibility. ABOZ found some poison for his Dagger and was very pleased he also found some Minor Healing Potion...

They had some luck as well in the city and gained 5 gold coins with some gambling... on the road to the Black Barrow they were not the fortunate and got cursed by an old man in rags...

Scenario 1 - Attempt 1 - Level 2

Ready to start

As said... The city event went quite well (earned 5 gold each) but on our way to the dungeon we were 'cursed' on the road. First room went good, in the second room I spend a bit too much fighting the archer which lead me away from the door too far with the scoundrel. After two rests with both characters and spending 1 card to the discard pile to prevent damage... I started to ran out of cards entering the 3rd room. Than I was very unlucky that when using 'Overwhelming Assault' (ATTACK 6) I drew the NO DAMAGE card, in the same round I also used 'Single Out) (ATTACK 3+2) on the same monster and also for the Scoundrel I drew the NO DAMAGE CARD... I got exhausted next round with both characters.
Both characters looted 2 coins (4 gold) - the Scoundrel gained 8 experience and the Brute 9.