Thursday, 7 December 2017

Our second week in Gloomhaven

After our adventures in Corpsewood we decided to take a few days off to explore of the city of Gloomhaven. AMOZ the Scoundrel made some nice walks in the city and visited the hospital and made a donation to the Sanctuary of the Great Oak which gave her two blessings to add to her attack modifying deck.

The Brute went to the market and bought himself some new Boots of Striding and a Minor Stamina Potion. The rest of the time he spend in Sleeping Lion, drinking beers with the locals, and enjoying the excellent food which was served here. The Monkey Eye Balls soup is delicious. The event in the city had no effect and after a week we accepted a new challenge and set course to the Inox Encampment (scenario 3). On the road we met some weird people but we choose not to go in conflict with them.

The scenario has been a real hell to me so far. Until now I had 3 attempt and 3 times in a row we got exhausted… We were able to loot some gold and ABOZ got a lot of extra experience. He made it to 47 XP points. So at this point we decide to go to the city again and level up The Brute, which will give him 2 extra Hit Points…, he marked 1 perk (remove 2 -1 cards) and the Scoundrell bought an Eagle Eye Gobble

After a day in the city we gained also 1 reputation, on the road to the Inox Encampment nothing with effect happened, so my characters were fully up in running again to give it a 4th attempt.

This time they managed it quiet well because one level 2 card of the Brute made it possible to kill a very nasty monster in one time, after that I didn’t opened any extra door and just let monster spawn every odd turn. We kept fighting an fighting and in the end 10 monsters were killed. Enough to fullfill the scenario conditions. We gained 15 gold each, 1 Prosperity point and we were able to put our hands on Jekserah’s Plans. Yi Ha !
Statistics after scenario 3 :
Scoundrel AMOZ ZERK :

·         XP total : 32 points

·         Gold Total : 25
Items : Minor Healing Potion, Poison dagger, Hide Amor, Eagle-Eye Goggles


·         XP total : 52 points

·         Gold Total : 29
BALANCE EARNED SO FAR after 3 days in Gloomhaven :

·         Prosperity : +1 +1

·         Party Achievements : First steps – Jekserah’s Plans

·         Reputation : +1

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Day 3 - Black Lair

More than a week after Black Friday, AMOZ still did some bargains at the market and bought herself a Hide Armor… women you know… always ready to find some new stuff J Actually it was a win/win situation because after that we both earned 10 gold in our City event. Within the walls of Gloomhaven luck was still on our site… but for how long…

At noon of day 3 we were suprised on the road to the Barrow Lair and we both lost our well deserved +1 perk, as a scenario condition we were also cursed with 3 extra ZERO DAMAGE cards in our Fighting Card Deck…

In the first room we really had bad luck with fighting the 2 archers. In the first 3 rounds 4 of the 6 cursed cards showed up so we couldn’t do much damage and get, luckily enough the archers drew some -1 and 0 cards as well so we weren’t hurt that much either.

When we finally opened the door to the next dungeon we found the man we were looking for. A new game type character was introduced. The BOSS. 20 hitpoints needed to kill him and if that wasn’t enough, the had keys to open extra dungeons with other unfriendly people…

The Scoundrel hit the BOSS quite heavily with a 5 DAMAGE hit multiplied by 2, she also stabbed him with the poisoned dagger, which made him quite vulnerable… He was able to open an dungeon but after that we killed him quite easily. The extra monsters had no chance after that.

Mission completed, not able to loot any extra coins L

Statistics scenario 2 :

Scoundrel AMOZ ZERK :

Personal quest scenario : Quite easy (none of your allies may be exhausted) -> +1 perk

no coins -> 10 gold (road avent) + 10 gold from finishing scenario = 20 gold

XP : 6 points


Personal quest scenario : +1 perk (only take long rests)

no coins -> 10 gold (road avent) + 10 gold from finishing scenario = 20 gold

XP : 8 points

BALANCE EARNED SO FAR after 3 days in Gloomhaven :

Scoundrel : 18 XP & 36 GOLD +1 perk
Brute : 31 XP & 38 GOLD +1 perk
Prosperity : +1

Friday, 1 December 2017

Day 2 - Back to the Black Barrow

In my second attempt to visit the dungeons of the Black Barrow I lowered the difficulty level from 2 (solo player handicap) to 1. In the city our party earned 10 gold, but on the road we were hurt quite badly with 2 damage points each. In the first round my Scoundrel AMOZ was very Lucky. She used the ‘Single Out’ (3+2 damage) card on the Elite monster and immediately drew the 2X double card from her attack deck. 10 Damage -> enough to kill the Elite Bandit Guard in one turn.

After that both other Guards were killed quite easily so I could enter the 2nd room without doing a long rest first.

Also here the Guards were killed quite easily but I had a bit more trouble with the Bandit Archer, due because I had to do some ‘long resting’ with both characters. Finally I was able to lure the archer into one of the traps so it took a final 3 damage which killed it.

In the last room the first Living Bones was again killed very fast. But I started to run out of cards and was very unlucky with a 6 DAMAGE attack where I drew the ‘none damage card’ from my deck. I took my quite long to kill the 3 other monsters but I just made it in the last round with my Brute ABOZ BOORER. My Scoundrel picked up some big loot and the treasure chest. Which unlocked scenario 67.

Statistics :

Scoundrel AMOZ ZERK :

  • Personal quest scenario : Quite easy (open a door into a new dungeon) -> +1 perk

  • 6 coins -> 12 gold + 2 gold from road event = 17 gold

  • XP : 4 points


  • Personal quest scenario : +1 perk, I needed 13 XP points and I earned 14

  • 2 coins -> 4 gold + 2 gold from road event = 9 gold

  • XP : 14 points

Thursday, 30 November 2017

My first day in Gloomhaven

The journey was long and after they entered the gates of Gloomhaven AMOZ ZERK a human Scoundrel and ABOZ BOORER a Inox Brute decided it was time for a drink. When they entered the Sleeping Lion the local pub they couldn't imagine in what type of adventure they stepped. This blog tells the story of two friends who accepted an offer to track down a thief and retrieve some stolen goods... This is the story of Gloomhaven. The story of a party with a not very common name... THE MOZ ARMY ! A story by a soloplayer !

Day 1 - Shopping at the local market... With their last 60 coins of gold our THE MOZ ARMY went to the local market where AMOZ bought an Iron Helmet and a Cloak of Invisibility. ABOZ found some poison for his Dagger and was very pleased he also found some Minor Healing Potion...

They had some luck as well in the city and gained 5 gold coins with some gambling... on the road to the Black Barrow they were not the fortunate and got cursed by an old man in rags...

Scenario 1 - Attempt 1 - Level 2

Ready to start

As said... The city event went quite well (earned 5 gold each) but on our way to the dungeon we were 'cursed' on the road. First room went good, in the second room I spend a bit too much fighting the archer which lead me away from the door too far with the scoundrel. After two rests with both characters and spending 1 card to the discard pile to prevent damage... I started to ran out of cards entering the 3rd room. Than I was very unlucky that when using 'Overwhelming Assault' (ATTACK 6) I drew the NO DAMAGE card, in the same round I also used 'Single Out) (ATTACK 3+2) on the same monster and also for the Scoundrel I drew the NO DAMAGE CARD... I got exhausted next round with both characters.
Both characters looted 2 coins (4 gold) - the Scoundrel gained 8 experience and the Brute 9.