Friday, 1 December 2017

Day 2 - Back to the Black Barrow

In my second attempt to visit the dungeons of the Black Barrow I lowered the difficulty level from 2 (solo player handicap) to 1. In the city our party earned 10 gold, but on the road we were hurt quite badly with 2 damage points each. In the first round my Scoundrel AMOZ was very Lucky. She used the ‘Single Out’ (3+2 damage) card on the Elite monster and immediately drew the 2X double card from her attack deck. 10 Damage -> enough to kill the Elite Bandit Guard in one turn.

After that both other Guards were killed quite easily so I could enter the 2nd room without doing a long rest first.

Also here the Guards were killed quite easily but I had a bit more trouble with the Bandit Archer, due because I had to do some ‘long resting’ with both characters. Finally I was able to lure the archer into one of the traps so it took a final 3 damage which killed it.

In the last room the first Living Bones was again killed very fast. But I started to run out of cards and was very unlucky with a 6 DAMAGE attack where I drew the ‘none damage card’ from my deck. I took my quite long to kill the 3 other monsters but I just made it in the last round with my Brute ABOZ BOORER. My Scoundrel picked up some big loot and the treasure chest. Which unlocked scenario 67.

Statistics :

Scoundrel AMOZ ZERK :

  • Personal quest scenario : Quite easy (open a door into a new dungeon) -> +1 perk

  • 6 coins -> 12 gold + 2 gold from road event = 17 gold

  • XP : 4 points


  • Personal quest scenario : +1 perk, I needed 13 XP points and I earned 14

  • 2 coins -> 4 gold + 2 gold from road event = 9 gold

  • XP : 14 points

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